Greg has been pestering everyone he knows to start using the Shared Feeds feature of Google Reader. And now that I work for the Big G, I've decided to hop on board. So: I'll try to publish not more than a couple of items a week, and I'll try to stick to the funniest or most interesting stuff that I read. (And if you don't have a feed reader but you for some reason want to obsessively check up on what I'm reading, you can see my shared items here.) |
(You may have also heard me make the argument that I don't want to risk reading them until all 7 are published, in case J.K. Rowling fucking dies before she can finish all 7 of the goddamn books that she promised me, like Douglas Adams did. In truth I'm not that worried about this scenario, but it's a funnier excuse than just saying that I don't have time.) But anyway, in Arizona I gave in and started reading them. And they've turned me into a complete heroin addict; I'm normally a slow reader but I whipped through them in just a few days. I guess I expected them to be amazing works of literature, but in retrospect that was ridiculous; they're successful and fun because they're not high-brow literary bullshit, why did everyone know this but me? So anyway, I'm almost done with #5, and soon I will be reading #6, and then I'll be in the same boat as all of you lot--- waiting in agony for the final book. Bitch do not die before you finish writing #7 I am warning you. |