Okay, so admittedly my first shot at knocking off Majongg was... how to put this... visually intractible. My "organic" board layout, although fun to make, was difficult to understand, and by popular outcry I have realized that it is not in fact possible to distinguish between 60x60 icons of 4, 5, and 6 of pink orchid flowers. Here's an improved version with the traditional layout, drop shadows to distinguish stacking levels, and 9 types of pieces with only 4 variants each. (Instead of 6 types with 6 variants each.) Please try it again with my apologies.
My unemployment odyssey concludes with a speeding trip, I mean camping trip, to Death Valley with a friend. Clashes between my life and the camping life included:
Another thing that Excel is good at: working Sudoku puzzles. Has there really been as awesome an application as Excel (or VisiCalc, for you purists) in the last 20 years? The web browser, maybe, in kind of an indirect way. (By the way, the puzzle pictured at right is a pretty tough one. See if you can finish it.) |
WEP is too hard for normal people to set up. I know this because I am currently stealing unsecured wireless bandwidth from my Mom's next door neighbor, a normal person for whom WEP was (obviously) too hard to set up. |
Well, it's official: I am unemployed. Here's my end-of-job checklist: