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Hey, kids! Have about 6 hours that you wish you could burn up with a pointless task? Here's a fun game you can play with any windows computer! Try this:

  1. Put a bunch of important data onto a 5 year old disk drive.
  2. Have the disk drive crash. (The easiest way to accomplish this is to shake it, or you can just wait.)
  3. Install a second disk into the machine in the hopes of recovering the data.
  4. Install Windows XP Pro.
  5. Note that windows will helpfully designate the new drive as "E:", leaving the dead drive as "C:". Windows will then be installed onto "E:" without your consent or control.
  6. Frantically copy as much data from the dead "C:" drive as you can.
  7. Note that the machine seems to freeze randomly while the bad drive is installed.
  8. Remove the bad drive and reboot.
  9. Now note that your machine has no C drive.
  10. (Ever wondered if Windows and all of its applications assume the presence of a C drive, and pretty much don't work at all if you don't have one? Here's a hint: YES.)
  11. Try to change the E drive letter to C so that things work correctly.
  12. Reboot.
  13. Note that your new drive no longer works at all, and the OS must be reinstalled.
  14. Start over at step 1.
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