I hate having my latent obsessive-compulsive tendencies exploited for profit. Since there's only small, inconclusive clinical trials behind an otherwise completely unscientific product, I really pity all of the people who are duped into buying it.
Including myself.
The trouble is, even though I am one of those people who is capable of believing that 1,000,000 endorsements can be wrong, I've become so desperate to avoid getting sick again that I tried it anyway.
What would have been best is for me to have taken it on my flight this weekend, and then just come down with a cold anyway. But that didn't happen, so now I am faced with the infuriating choice of deciding to buy it again based on my possibly coincidental experience, or else not buying it again and getting sick (also) by coincidence, thereby proving nothing except that I'm indecisive.
Maybe the real crime here is that you can market any product that makes any claim, as long as you put a small message at the bottom of the box that says "Not really." Even if this product is for real, they have no motivation to prove it by running expensive clinical trials because they're already allowed to make millions off of it. Airborne's reputation has nowhere to go but down. Who needs science?
Thanks, FDA, for encouraging an era of charlatanism and turning the clocks back on rational thought.